Working Hours : Weekdays: 09:00 - 18:00 Sat -Sun: Closed
cases where there is a certain amount of burden to be able to
completely fill a flight, we give the express transport service a direct
transportable transport. According to this system, the load is taken
from the factory or any loading center, reaching the destination without
interruption at any transfer center.
In the case of complex
transportation services, the possibility of damage is very low and
delivery is possible as fast as possible. Since there is no intermediate
center in the point delivery process, the time is shortened
considerably and all conditions can be organized in accordance with the
demands of the customer.
Our company can carry out complex
transportation in very large capacities and can offer you the most
qualified service in all the destinations that we carry out. The
preferred method for dealer and regional distribution is the economical
option in the long run.